
universitatea tehnica gheorghe asachifacultatea de hidrotehnica Welcome to International Symposium GEOMAT - 2019 uniunea generala a geodezilor din romania

7th Edition

"Geomatics and new technologies of geospatial science"

14 - 15 November 2019

The Symposium Programme consists of many different types of activities and spaces. Have a look at our Programme Categories to get an idea of what the Symposium has to offer and how you can get involved.

Interested in registering for the Geomat Symposium ? This is the place with all the information you’ll need to register. Have a look through all the information you need.

To make things easy, we’ve outlined some basic local travel information for you here. We hope this information will help you get around and make it to the Symposium..

2019, November 13
14 November 2019:UGR Young Surveyors Meeting - 1:00 p.m.
Faculty of Hydrotechnical Engineering, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering
2019, November 11
11 November 2019: Conference program available ! (click download)
2019, November 05
08 November 2019: Transferring the registration fee
2019, October 25
31 October 2019: Last date extended for abstract submission
  • Florian Statescu Prof. univ. dr. ing. Dean of Faculty for Hydrotechnics, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering

    "La Facultatea de Hidrotehnică, Geodezie și Ingineria Mediului aparținând Universității Tehnice „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași, organizarea Simpozionului Internațional GEOMAT a devenit o tradiție, anul acesta fiind a VII-a ediție. Ideea organizării și dezvoltării continue a anvergurii acestei manifestări a apărut din necesități științifice și practice, dar și din considerentul că o comunitate care nu lasă urme este ca una inexistentă, pierdută în neant. Suntem onorați că tot mai multe personalități științifice remarcabile din domeniu au răspuns afirmativ și generos invitației noastre, ceea ce reprezintă și o recunoaștere a valorii învățământului geodezic de la Iași.
    Îi întâmpinăm cu drag pe toții participanții !"

About us

International Symposium GEOMAT is an annual scientific event of great impact in the area of Geomatics organized by Department of Surveying and Cadastre, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering in cooperation with Romanian Surveyors Association in partnership with other universities with specific curricula in the geodetic engineering specialties and other governmental institutions with leading role in the domain. GEOMAT was an initiative of the Department of Surveying and Cadastre, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering started in 2013.

Given the success of the first edition held in 2013, to celebrate the bicentennial anniversary of the founding at Iasi city of technical and engineering education by Gheorghe Asachi, the next editions wants the continuation of a tradition that has its roots in Iasi university academics medium. The symposium topic was enriched with a new area devoted to applied and environmental sciences.

In addition to the scientific contributions of the conference participants, we want to create a favorable environment to discussions between educational medium, government agencies and private companies, to exchange ideas and establish priorities in the field of geomatics. Equipment and software companies in the field are invited to present their products in a specially designed frame and to promote innovative solutions to global development requirements of geospatial sciences.

Young researchers and students are encouraged to actively participate at the conference activities, to be well prepared to challenges that will occur through accelerated development of technology and also to concepts from the field of geomatics and environmental sciences

  • Loredana Crenganis Lecturer Ph.D. eng.


    "We would like to welcome you at the International Symposium Geomat - 2019, now at its seventh edition, which is intended as a landmark in the field of geomatics. The symposium will better highlight the importance of spatial reference data use in society, and especially in the field of engineering that has spatial information as its support. We wish you all a very pleasant stay in Iasi and a successful and interesting Symposium, which should bring new highlights, information and ideas to everybody."